Henrik Ibsen for Dummies

Ibsen’s way of describing social life and values is a tremendous source that never gets emptied and he describes hypocritical behaviour and life essential themes that never will be outdated.

Living abroad also made me more interested in the Norwegian culture and social system and I found strong links to how literature, specifically Henrik Ibsen’s work, has made an impact on Norway’s democratic development. I therefore decided to use his life and plays as inspiration for a series of work.

Shown in Ibsen Museet in Grimstad 2013/2014



My inspiration comes from human interaction between people and with nature. The way we deal with decisions, the possibilities we go for and those we choose to leave, is a constant source of inspiration, together with the joy and struggle in communication between people.

I work with all kinds of materials and have a surrealistic style, and trying to look at the world with a humorous glance.


Works from collective exhibitions

Anni Onsager - Tweed II
Norske kunsthåndverkeres årsutstilling 2022
Foto- Drammens Museum -
Anni Onsager - In Between
Bærum Kunsthall
Massive iron - 180x30 cm
Jakten på stjernestøv
Norsk Billedhuggerforening
Kunst rett vest

Soapstone - 2020_25 x 20 x 20 cm
Anni Onsager - Lady From the Sea - Henrik Ibsen for Dummies
Anni Onsager - Lady From the Sea - Henrik Ibsen for Dummies
Lokstallet  - Sweden
Lokstallet - Sweden